I Can Hear A Siren
(The Peoples Mass)
Amongst the fragments from the Rainbow Coffee Bar rehearsal tapes (c1966-1967) was this reworking of the local folk song, I Can Hear A Siren.
I can hear a siren
A skrike o’er roaky Seaton
A bonny way te end me days
Nothin left but hyem to lay
An feel the kelpie’s fingers ways
Aroun me pow aroun me neck
An slip me slip me doon the beck
An scumfish all me thropple noo
An end me days alone wi you
scream; foggy
mermaid; move
float; down the stream
smother; throat
The increasing tempo and volume of playing would occasionally result in violent outbursts on stage, and the destruction of instruments and equipment. We understand there is a recording of such a performance, which will be detailed in the archive under "Freak Out."
The ostinato of the guitar also features in "Waves" in Gaynor Leigh's Piano Primer.